Today, I had Martin Luther King Day off of work. I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to, but I did get a few things done.
Below is a picture of the quilt top I finished today. I have been working on this quilt for a friend that is due to have a baby soon. Do you think it looks like a baby quilt? I made it bigger than a normal baby quilt and in non-baby colors so that the child can use it for many years.

Also, I made 2 loaves of sourdough bread today. Mmmmmmm! Here is a pic. They just came out of the oven. I didn't use my bread maker for this one. It was all from scratch (except I did cheat a little and used my food processor to knead it into a big ball for me. Kevan thought the house was falling in. lol

Kevan and I also took 120 POUNDS of scrap metal to the scrap yard and made a total of 6 BUCKS!!! Woohoo! I couldn't believe it. I thought they would hand us at least $20....but I guess scrap metal is only 5 cents a pound. Crazy!
Lastly, here is a picture of what is cooking up for dinner. About a year ago I purchased a Showtime Rotisserie and I use it almost every Sunday or Monday. My mom has one also and loves hers. I'm able to make my own chicken broth with the bones and use that for soup later in the week. I use the leftover chicken for a casserole later in the week too. Sometimes I make 2 chickens at the same time and end up making quesadillas, casseroles and soup throughout the busy week.