Kevan and I will be going to Florida this week and would like to ask for everyone to pray for us. We will be driving down on Thursday evening. Friday we will be meeting with a realtor to try to find a place to live. The houses are pretty expensive and when they go up for sale they are usually under contract within 48 hours. So, we are hoping that the Lord places the house for us in the market when we step foot in Florida. I am pretty stressed out about finding a place and have to constantly remind myself that God is Sovereign and he knows exactly what we need. If He is calling us to Florida, He will provide a place for us.
We will update you all when we find something and post some pictures too!
See, Misty is already packed and ready to go!

John and, vicariously, Do and Josh, here,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you guys know that we miss you. Sometimes it stinks that marriage makes our friendships a bit more distant, but, of course, our mate becomes our best and closest friend and there’s only so much time to share experiences, hopes, and feelings.
It must’ve been one hectic 1.5 years so far!! You know, you both really have to thank God for the fortunateness of being placed together in that you both are open to relocating. The integration of one another’s habits is difficult enough in the first year or two, let alone mixing in job and location chagnes. Jayde, obviously, has been a mover since high school and it looks like Kevan has no need for “settling down” yet at this time as well. I think Do and I would be movers as well, but it seems God’s closed several doors on us in the past couple years, much to our dismay.
I pray you both have time for enjoying your settling-in in FL. We’re still hoping we’ll be able to come visit some day soon, but with a baby travel is soooo much work, making a vacation more of a nightmare!