It was a wonderful visit with family and I will cherish all of our memories together. We ate, talked, laughed, worshiped God, played cards and played the Wii (wish I had pictures of our bowling scores...after several nights of playing against my dad I FINALLY beat him at bowling Wii). It was a really great time and I was so blessed to celebrate Christ's birth this year with my family and Kevan's family all together in one place.

We all played lots of games and everyone participated! Dad watched football with Joe and Kevan. Joe was a great help with chopping the wood we needed for our woodstove. My mom and I enjoyed preparing Christmas dinner together. It was a really special time and I look forward to another Christmas when they can visit us (maybe with my brothers and their families too).
Tasha and Joe playing the Wii. The little Christmas tree was my very first tree when I lived by myself in my 20's. It is so cute. The feet belong to my dad and Kevan. :o) I'm glad they are nice clean socks with no holes. lol!

Here is a picture of the living room at the Sullivan House. We do not have furniture in this room so I decided it would be nice to have Christmas dinner in here with the fireplace. It turned out really well. The only thing was that all of the chairs have wheels (except one) and since this house was built in the 1930's the floors are not level. Everyone kept sliding all over during dinner. Kevan had to put his foot under my chair to hold it in place because I just couldn't stop my chair from moving. lol! It was funny. Also, all of the junk in the top right corner was my sewing supplies. Please pretend that they aren't in the picture. I forgot to move them before dinner.

The kitties loved having visitors and Stormie enjoyed playing with everyone's tissue paper. She was tired after all of the play and needed a nap.

Messy family room where everyone gathered to relax, watch TV (mostly football or foxnews) and play games. We were also blessed with 2 beautiful couches by Kevan's cousins. They no longer needed them and gave them to us for FREE! Thank you Jenny & Chris!

Another view of the messy family room (that is my dad sitting on the couch):

Kevan and I slept in the woodstove room so that my parents could have the bedroom to sleep in. They had their own bathroom (which they do not have at home) and I'm sure they enjoyed their master suite even if it was from the 1930's. :o) This "blue room" was the old porch on the house that the previous owners turned into a sunroom. That is why there are windows between the two rooms and not a wall. It is great that it is this way as it allows the warm air from the wood stove to flow into other areas of the house. Also, the cats love going through the windows to the other rooms. We were also able to chat with Joe & Tasha through the windows as they played video games in the next room while we were trying to sleep at 2am. ;o) Mostly, we were telling them to go to sleep or to turn the TV down so we could sleep!

Lastly, Tasha is turning 18 in January and I won't be there so I planned a special dinner to celebrate her birthday. Of course her birthday cake HAD to have Edward on it. :o)

Dad, Mom, Tasha & Joe....I miss you guys already! Sniff sniff.
This is very cute, Jayde. I love the house, the tree, the fact that your dad looks cold and half-asleep, the cake... Looks like you're having a great time! - Marian