Driveway leading to the farm. This is a picture from earlier in the year. It is much more brown and dreary during December.

Here is a picture of the original homestead. It is an old cabin from about the 1880's. The fireplace is still entact and Kevan's dad is restoring the cabin slowly when he has time.

This is a picture of the side of the cabin and the upstairs window. You can view all of the cabin pics on our flickr page here.

We said hello to Bear while we were there. He followed us around the farm and kept the cows in order while we were there. He is only about 9 months old now and he is soooooo sweet. Just look at that face.

Dad, here is the view from the hill where we will be building our house someday. Kevan's father owns all of the property you can see in the photo. The total acreage is 80 acres. It is beautiful and calming when you are there. You just have to make sure when you are walking around that you walk AROUND the cow pies. ;o)

The main barn up close.

Here is a picture of me standing next to a huge sinkhole on the property. Here is a link to more pictures of the farm.

I will leave you with this photo. She wanted to come home with you to Michigan.

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